The Power of HySEA: Advancing Tsunami Simulations

Recent natural disasters highlight the need to better prepare for geohazards like tsunamis. The HySEA software, developed by the EDANYA group at the University of Málaga, is tackling this challenge head-on.

As part of the ChEESE project, HySEA isn’t just a simulation tool—it’s a flagship code for real-time tsunami modeling. With cutting-edge developments such as multi-GPU optimizations, nested domains, and the ability to simulate meteotsunamis caused by atmospheric disturbances, HySEA is setting new standards in geohazard resilience.

In this interview, Jorge Macías Sánchez, Principal Investigator at the University of Málaga, shares insights into HySEA’s role in ChEESE and its contribution to a safer future.


The research group on Differential Equations, Numerical Analysis and Applications (EDANYA) of the University of Málaga has a wide experience in Numerical Analysis. The group focuses its research in the numerical simulation of geophysical fluids by means of the numerical solution of hydrodynamic models. Besides the software development, the group has implemented a versatile web interface for intensive computation in CPU and GPU clusters. The EDANYA group provides ChEESE project with two flagship codes in the framework of simulation of tsunamis: Tsunami-HySEA and Meteo-HySEA. Specifically, the group contributions are:

(1) Delivering a new operational version of the dispersive Tsunami-HySEA code (one-layer for earthquake-generated tsunamis) with nested domains.

(2) Implementing a new version of the Tsunami-HySEA code designed to model tsunamis generated by atmospheric disturbances, known as meteotsunamis. This version is referred to as the Meteo-HySEA code.

(3) Providing multi-GPU-optimized implementations of these new codes.

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