
FALL3D is a 3D Eulerian model for simulating the transport and deposition of volcanic tephra, aerosols, and radionuclides. It uses the advection-diffusion-sedimentation (ADS) equation with a Finite Differences (FD) explicit scheme and can operate in both serial and parallel (MPI) modes. The model is versatile, capable of reproducing past events and providing real-time forecasts.

With over 50 publications, FALL3D is widely recognized for its accuracy and reliability. Originally designed for volcanic ash dispersal, it has been adopted by academic and research institutions worldwide, including the Buenos Aires Volcanic Ash Advisory Center. Its robust performance makes it an essential tool for operational volcanic ash cloud forecasting.

Recent updates have expanded FALL3D's capabilities, supporting ensemble forecasts and handling multiple atmospheric species, such as gases and mineral dust. As a flagship code in the ChEESE, it continues to drive innovation in atmospheric transport modelling.

This video shows a FALL3D-8.0 simulation of volcanic ash mass loading and has been initialised using data insertion of satellite retrievals. The simulation is for the 2011 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption (see Prata et al., 2020, for details).

Notable users


INGV (Italy)

CSIC (Spain)

IMO (Iceland)


SMN (Argentina)

IGP (Peru)

Sernageomin (Chile)

Dirección Meteorológica de Chile (Chile)

BMKG (Indonesia)

VAAC Buenos Aires (Argentina)

BSC (Spain)

GNS (New Zealand)

Bureau of Meteorology (Australia)

EOS (Singapore)

Cenapred (México)

INSIVUMEH (Guatemala)



University of Geneva (Switzerland)

University of Bari (Italy)

University of Bremen (Germany)

University of Granada (Spain)

UNAM (México)

Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)

Universidad de Nariño (Colombia)

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Analysis of the results from the bibliographic search on FALL3D. Scopus. (2024, September)