Porting to GPU a Fortran code using intrinsic parallelism

Type: Webinar

Date: 13/06/23

Time: 10:30 – 12:30

Location: Remote

Registration: bit.ly/3BZWdeH

Join us for an insightful webinar where we will delve into the world of Fortran intrinsic parallelism and its application to GPU programming. Fortran, a powerful programming language for scientific and engineering computations, offers built-in mechanisms for parallelism, enabling efficient utilization of GPUs. In this session, we will explore the key features, challenges, and benefits of porting Fortran code to GPU architectures.

Target Audience and Prerequisites: This webinar is designed for individuals with understanding of Fortran. 

Instructor: Giorgio Amati


  1. Porting to GPU: Demonstrating the conversion of a simple kernel to exploit GPU parallelism.
  2. A More Complex Code: Exploring the application of Fortran intrinsic parallelism to a 2D Kinetic CFD code.
  3. Porting to GPU: Tackling the challenges of optimizing a 3D CFD code using Fortran intrinsic parallelism.

Registration: To participate in this webinar and receive all the information you need, we encourage you to register using the provided link. As the event will be conducted remotely, registered participants will receive instructions on how to access the webinar online.